dear students: this half-day week has been nice. i've really enjoyed not having to teach you new material but doing fun activities like watching all of your skits. i hope you all have a good vacation and i will see you at the end of july ;) dear school: thank you thank you for paid vacations and for paying us before it even starts. just in time for my trip home! dear kindle: i am so glad i realized you can be charged with my phone charger. out of pure laziness i hate having to look for your personal charger that for some reason i hid away. so no need to worry about being neglected anymore. dear boyfriend: last few days before i leave for a little while. i sure am going to miss you. you'll probably miss me too but i have a feeling you will surely enjoy aallll of your free time the coming weeks. love you.
p.s. dear airport: please please please allow everything to go smoothly with my departure. i'll have all my documents handy so no funny business!
I've been thinking about quitting office work and start becoming a school/university teacher because of the paid vacation that can be as long as two months (if you don't have summer classes)... sigh. wishful thinking. :)
Glad you're all prepped up for ur vacation! excited for yah! :)
That picture is gorgeous! Have a great weekend!
good luck with the airport! we fly out on saturday, so I'm hoping for the same thing. I'm guessing it's going to be a little crazy with the 4th coming up.
Great letters - good luck with the airport!xo
That's funny about your Kindle. The only charger that will charge my phone is my kindle charger! :) Safe travels!
I always complain to my friends who are school teachers its not fair the amount of holidays they get (but clearly Im just jealous!). Hope you have a safe trip without any hassles :)
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