Monday, October 7


Good morning, Monday. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and is ready for the week! My goal for last week's Weekly Wishes was to plan my upcoming long weekend with my friend Katie who is visiting me. Well, I met my goal about 50%. I planned a few things for us to do and the rest I really left open for us to decide in the moment. To be honest, I haven't mastered the whole planning every single day's activities thing so I left it planned about halfway and we'll see how it goes from there.

For this week, my goal is simple: get everything done before Katie gets here! This, I think will be easy-peasy because luckily I have half days at school every day this week. Yup! I certainly lucked out time wise. When my school has exams, which is twice a trimester, we get half days (a huge perk of my school). I plan on getting all of my online coursework done, all of my blog posts written, and all of my grading and lesson plans done by Thursday afternoon. Do you think I can do it??

The Nectar Collective


Unknown said...

Yeay for half days! I wish my life had half days :) I love having friends come and visit and can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Unknown said...

Woooo! Half days rock! I used to look forward to half days at school.. or you know, just holidays in general haha!
Yes, that is such a great idea to plan have your adventures with Katie and half be spontaneous!
Good luck with your goals this week and have fun!