Monday, July 23

back to the grind

some of my students on the day before vacation

its hard to go back to work after three weeks of vacation.
some of you may be wondering .. why the heck did you have three weeks off from work?
here in costa rica the school vacations go something like this, july is like "winter vacation" like how in the united stated we have a few weeks off for christmas but here the schedule is kind of the opposite. we have three weeks off in july and then two months off in december and january. so there you have it!

today was our first day back and boy do i have a headache right now.
maybe it was being away from school for a while, or maybe i literally just forgot how frustrating my students are sometimes but today was hard!

this weekend i started to get a little nervous about going back to school because i thought, i had kind of put everything school related away for this vacation and i feel like i may have actually forgotten everything i knew! and worse .. what if my students have forgotten everything we had gone over. well all was not lost but they sure were rowdy today.

thank god we have wednesday off (don't hate!) for a costa rican holiday so that this week will be a nice transition. oh and a new teacher started today .. who is young .. and from the u.s.! yay for having a friend! ;)


meme-and-he said...

interesting how the schedule works! Do you like having a longer break for winter? Is that when the kids switch grade levels?

Bret said...

a new friend sounds awesome! enjoy :)
xo bhrett