Wednesday, January 1


Welcome to 2014, everyone! Like for most people, my 2013 had it's ups and downs but definitely ended on a very high note. For NYE, Paris's family and all significant others went to a very popular Brazilian restaurant. The amount of food in the buffet was unreal. Not to mention the meat carvers walking around to every table were carrying the most delicious red meat I have ever eaten and I do not eat a lot of red meat! We definitely ate our way out of 2013! It was a great time.

I'm excited and a little nervous to see what 2014 will bring. I don't like to set strict resolutions because I don't like feeling bad if I don't always follow through. However there are a few things that I want to focus on this year:

1. I want to work as hard as possible in my graduate school classes. I'm excited to start my program and I'm also looking forward to see how I like my classes.

2. Work on my health. I can't wait to get back to running, I have been looking forward to being able to run on my own pretty much since I moved to Costa Rica. I'm also looking forward to eating healthier (less rice and beans) and drinking more water.

3. Finally I'm excited to work as much as possible to save up to visit my love! Like I've said being away won't be easy but we are both planning on saving money like crazy so we can get to those highly anticipated trips to see one and other.

Welcome, 2014!


Kristin W said...

I like having three simple goals! I don't have many, but simplicity is key, in my opinion, for following through with resolutions. Good luck with running! Cheers to a great 2014!

Unknown said...

Love your goals my dear. Happy new year!! :)