so, friday night in boston, lindsey and i made pesto pizza! i have never really made home made pizza but the savvy cooker that lindsey is assured me it was super easy.
what you need:
pizza dough
two-three tomatoes
basil (about 1 &1/2 cups)
olive oil (not shown in the picture)
2 cups mozzarella cheese
3 cheese italian cheese (or whatever cheese you have)

preheat your oven to 350 degrees
use a food processor to combine the basil, italian cheese, olive oil and garlic. start with just a little olive oil and then add more depending on your preferences (you can add pine nuts to this, we didnt because we forgot to buy them at the store! but it tasted equally yummy)
get the dough ready buy kneading it a little bit and then stretching it out to the size that you want to make your pizza.
its super easy from here: just add the pesto, some sliced tomatoes and then the cheese!
bake for 15-20 minutes checking on the crust after 15 minutes
once it is baked you can dab some of the extra olive oil off with a paper towel
and voila! pesto pizza that is delicious :)
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