when a shirt i've been eying for months goes on super sale and is still in stock when i buy it
when the two year old sister of the girls i give private lessons to tells me i'm her teacher and that she loves me on my way out the door .. the cutest.
when paris takes me to get ice cream after a not so happy day at work
when my guilty pleasure TV shows are back on air .. hello, pretty little liars and the bachelorete!
when i get to see my friends and family in 2.5 weeks!
when the week just started and it's already thursday :)
and of course, giveaways! i'm participating in a giveaway with one of the best bloggers around, nicole!
i'm giving away a $10 Sephora gift card among some other great prizes! You can enter below :)
i'm giving away a $10 Sephora gift card among some other great prizes! You can enter below :)

The lovely ladies below are giving away 13 ad spaces, $95 in gift cards, and another $60+ in additional prizes:

And since I'm all about spreading the love, there will be 2 winners. 1 lucky person will win the grand prize (all the amazing prizes from all these lovely ladies) and another one of you will win the prizes from me ($25 to Sephora & 1 month of ad space). Sounds like a good deal? a Rafflecopter giveaway
awe that little girls sounds so sweet! i loved tutoring because you get to know the families and culture so well!
thanks for sharing, friend!
and family in 2.5 weeks? amazing!
The ad space! And all the giftcards!
all the sephora cards, and a little starbucks to go with it :)
Im so excited about the gift cards - love them! <3
I would love $25 Sephora gift card
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