now that we're into the month of may, its got me doing a lot of thinking about this time last year. may of last year was my last month teaching english in spain. some of you may not know this but after i graduated college, i spent 9 months teaching english in cordoba, spain and it was an amazing experience. may was my last there and it was also by far the best month. in cordoba, may is the most exciting month of the whole year. people save up their vacation time to use it in this month so they can enjoy all the partying and not have to worry about work! its really crazy. i wish that i had started my blog last year but i really didnt even know about the blogging world at that time. i thought i would just share a little bit of my experience from that time because it has been on my mind so much lately.

the celebration in may starts with the patios. so many houses in cordoba have little patios that people decorate with hundreds of dollars worth of flowers and decorations in hopes that they will win a prize for having the best patio. there are three actual routes of where you can go to see all of these beautiful houses. my friends and i (and hundreds of other people) would take walks at night just enjoying the patios and walking through the city. in the old part of town, the streets would be filled with people just drinking outside and listening to music and basking in the atmosphere of the night.
i worked at an elementary school and one day we went on a field trip to see the patios and the balconies with all the flowers. that day the girls would not leave my side haha. i think one of the things i miss the most about spain is walking and being outside all the time. when people had somewhere to go they just went and walked. the streets and the architecture are just beautiful, so different from what we are used to in the states. i think i calculated it and on any given day walking to and from school and my private lessons i would probably walk about 7-9 miles a day. its no wonder everyone over there is stick thin!
and finally, (for this post), i cant help but mention how much i miss my roomies. there were many times throughout our nine months together where i think we all just wanted to throw in the towel and say, see ya, spain! however, that last month in may i'm pretty sure we can all agree just how awesome of a time we had had together. i still crave our weekly taj mahal dates (our local indian restaurant), caña de españa dates where we would sit and drink tinto de verano for hours, cooking and hanging out in our moldy apartment, and overall just wondering the streets of spain together.
if you're ever planning a trip to cordoba, spain, i would highly suggest going in the month of may :)
i am obsessed with little patios. i could live on a patio. truly.
Beautiful pictures. Spain is such a lovely country. Glad you got to experience it.
Looks like you had a fabulous time is Cordoba! I lived in Granada and have the same love for Spain...
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